SANTIAGO – The main governments of Latin America have expressed their concern about the situation created in Catalonia after the regional Parliament declared unilaterally the independence of that community and the Government of Spain responded this Friday with the application of Article 155 of the Constitution.
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, through Foreign Minister Heraldo Muñoz, reiterated that the country “will not recognize any act or independent unilateral decision.”
“The Government of Chile expresses its full support for the unity and territorial integrity of Spain, respecting the rule of law and the Spanish democratic and constitutional order, a framework in which there may be space for institutional dialogue and the exercise of rights and liberties of all Spaniards,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Madrid imposes direct rule as Catalans declare independence from Spain
The Senate in Madrid voted to remove the Catalan authorities, starting with the President of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, the dissolution of the Chamber, which acted against the law, and with the call for regional elections for 21 December.
Mexico, Colombia and Argentina have closed ranks with the unity of Spain and have rejected this unilateral declaration, approved by 70 regional deputies that split in two to the Catalan society.
“Mexico will not recognize the unilateral declaration of independence of Catalonia. We hope for a peaceful and political solution, “Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto tweeted Friday afternoon.
Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray pleaded for dialogue to prevail in the resolution of the conflict. “We hope that this profound conflict of complex historical origin will be resolved through the force of arguments, not through the arguments of force.”
The president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, spoke personally during a hearing before the media. “We want a united Spain, because it is what suits Spain and the world suits her.”
Adding that “the Colombian Government has always been accompanying the Government of Spain, supporting the role of the Government of Spain.”
The Government of Mauricio Macri expressed “concern” about the situation in Spain following “the declaration of independence proclaimed by the Parliament of Catalonia, which the Spanish Government has declared illegal.”
Through a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, the Executive expressed its confidence in the capacity of the Government of Mariano Rajoy to “restore legality and constitutional order” through dialogue, “guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of all its citizens and the unity and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Spain”.
Argentina is the country with the largest number of Spanish residents abroad, with almost 440,000, according to data from 2016, and has followed with great attention the events that occurred in Catalonia in the last month.–MercoPress