CARACAS – Venezuela has declared former presidents Jorge Quiroga (Bolivia), Andres Pastrana (Colombia) and Laura Chinchilla and Miguel Angel Rodriguez (Costa Rica) as persona non grata, according to the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry.
In a series of tweets last night, Foreign Minister Samuel Moncada said the former presidents Quiroga, Pastrana, Chinchilla and Rodriguez “abused the generosity of our people”.
Ayer anunciamos una medida de profilaxis política: el Sr Vicente Fox no entra más a Venezuela. Nuestro pueblo ha festejado la decisión (1/3)
— Samuel Moncada (@SMoncada_VEN) July 18, 2017
Hoy, declaramos “persona non grata” a los siguientes individuos: Jorge Quiroga, Andrés Pastrana, Laura Chinchilla y Miguel A Rodríguez (2/3)
— Samuel Moncada (@SMoncada_VEN) July 18, 2017
No entrarán más a Venezuela: abusaron de la generosidad de nuestro pueblo. Es justicia que será entendida por los que aman a su país (3/3)
— Samuel Moncada (@SMoncada_VEN) July 18, 2017
“This is a justice that will be understood by those who love their country.”
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The four former presidents participated as ‘observers’ in an illegal popular consultation organized by the Democratic Unity Board (MUD) coalition, bringing together extreme right-wing groups of Venezuela’s opposition, which seeks to overthrow through a coup d’Etat the legitimate Venezuelan authorities.
Mexican President, Vicente Fox, was declared persona non grata on Sunday night for offending Venezuelan authorities and calling constitutional president, Nicolas Maduro, a dictator, in the middle of the street, during a political rally organized in eastern Caracas.
Local media highlighted the linking of the five ex-governors invited to this ‘observation’ mission with several cases of corruption, money laundering and drug trafficking in their countries of origin.
There are also claims that these former statesmen received a payment of $250,000 USD each, to participate in this event organized by the MUD.