SANTIAGO – The Compulsory Personal Accident Insurance, also known as SOAP, is required by law, which covers death and bodily injuries that are a direct consequence of accidents suffered by people in which an insured vehicle is involved.
In case of an accident, a central element to make the SOAP effective is to have the digits of the patent of the vehicle (s) that were involved. Then, make the report of the incident to Carabineros and request the certificate of the competent Court or Public Ministry. Once medical care is received, it is essential that people keep the expense slips incurred due to the accident for later reimbursement.
In addition to the SOAP, people may be covered by other types of insurance, since it is not exclusive insurance. It can coincide with others, such as supplementary health, life or personal accident insurance.
¿De qué trata el Seguro Obligatorio de Accidentes Personales (SOAP)? @lstuven, Secretario Ejecutivo de la @conaset tiene un mensaje importante para ti.
Para más información ingresa a https://t.co/TFKOp7wA3I ?#SOAP2019 #MuéveteConResponsabilidad ?? ???? pic.twitter.com/LVnRSIsBR7
— Comisión Nacional de Seguridad de Tránsito (@conaset) March 6, 2019
Who does SOAP cover?
- To the driver of the vehicle.
- To the persons transported or passengers of the vehicle and any third party affected in an accident in which an insured vehicle has intervened through SOAP.
Insurance amounts
- Death 300 UF
- Total permanent disability 300 UF
- Partial permanent disability up to 200 UF
- Medical and hospital expenses up to 300 UF
- (Level 03 MLE Fonasa)
Beneficiaries in case of death in order of precedence
- Surviving spouse.
- Children under age.
- Children of legal age.
- Parents
- Mother of the children of non-matrimonial filiation of the deceased.
- In the absence of the aforementioned persons, the compensation shall correspond to the person who proves the status of heir.
Who should hire it?
Must be hired by any owner of motorized vehicle, trailer, trailer and motor home when acquiring your Circulation Permit.
Mandatory insurance for vehicles of foreign registration – SOAPEX
Vehicles with foreign registration must also contract, during their stay in the country, an insurance that grants the same coverage as the SOAP, called SOAPEX. The obligation to hire a compulsory personal accident insurance is contemplated in the Traffic Law for all vehicles with foreign registration that temporarily or temporarily enter Chile. Here you can check who sells the SOAPEX.
Cases in which the insurance does NOT apply
- Accidents caused in automobile races and other motorized vehicle competitions.
- Accidents occurred outside the national territory.
- Suicide and all types of self-inflicted injuries.
- War, earthquakes and any other accident occurred as a result of fortuitous events entirely foreign to the vehicle’s circulation.
Deadlines for claiming benefits
- General rule: One year from the date on which the accident occurred or from the death of the injured person, provided that it occurred within the year following the date of the accident, as the case may be.
- Permanent disability: One year from the date of issue of the medical certificate, which may not be submitted after two years from the date of the accident.
The insurance company must pay within 10 days, counted from the presentation of the background.
Infórmate siempre de tu seguro y actúa de manera correcta. ¿Sabes cómo cobrar el SOAP? #SOAP2019 pic.twitter.com/GDhxmE6BQU
— Aseguradores Chile (@AseguradoresCL) March 5, 2019
What are the steps to follow in an accident?
- Attending an emergency service, to be treated for physical injuries (driver, passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, motorist) specifying that they are due to a traffic accident.
- Make the report to Carabineros de Chile. For this you must know the patent of the vehicle. Without this data it is impossible to identify the car involved.
- Request the certificate issued by the competent court or the Public Ministry, in which the data of the traffic accident are recorded, according to the part sent to the competent court.
- Report the incident to the insurance company. Save all the medical expenses and certificates along with the documents of the Court or Prosecutor’s Office that you have as a result of the accident. You must present them to the insurance company for reimbursement of expenses.
For the insurance price tables, click here.