SANTIAGO – This week Chilean police detained 14 members of a drug trafficking and money laundering gang, said the country’s Investigative Police Department (PDI).
During a raid on Friday, the PDI confiscated 113.4 kilos of a cocaine base, marijuana and a salt form of cocaine, cocaine hydrochloride. Some US$3 million worth of property was also seized – thanks to the joint investigation by detectives from the Metropolitan Antinarcotics Brigade and Investigating Brigade of Washing Assets in coordination with the South Metropolitan Regional Prosecutor’s Office.
Operación "Viejos Robles": 14 detenidos por tráfico de drogas y lavado de activos gracias a investigación conjunta de detectives de la Brigada Antinarcóticos Metropolitana y Brigada Investigadora de Lavado Activos en coordinación con @Fiscalia_Sur #InvestigarEstáEnNuestroADN pic.twitter.com/r0DOpk0vYx
— PDI Chile (@PDI_CHILE) September 21, 2018
The PDI also reported via Twitter the confiscation of “10 vehicles, shotguns, ammunition, jewellery and chemicals.”
Authorities said the operation began with the arrest of four individuals in the northern Antofagasta region. The 10 other gang members were arrested during raids on properties around Santiago, added the PDI.
The police force said they had been tracking the gang for eight months after noticing money being laundered through several businesses.