The Ministry of Health has announced the placement of communities’ on the “Step by Step” Plan. Forty-five communities in Transition (161 communities), 43.8% or 130 communities will be in Preparation (130), and 0.3% or ten will be in the Initial Opening stages.
The following communities will be advancing to a ‘preparation phase.’ and for those which will go back to ‘quarantine,’ the changes become effective as of this Thursday, February 18th, at 5:00 a.m.
For the communities advancing to a ‘transition phase’, the changes take effect from this Tuesday, February 16th at the same time.
Returning to Quarantine:
Maule Region: Licantén and Pencahue
Región de Los Ríos: Futrono and Mariquina
Returning to Transition:
Valparaíso Región: El Tabo and El Quisco
O’Higgins Region: Placilla, Marchigüe, Chimbarongo and Pichidegua
Ñuble Región: Ninhue, Ranquil, Ñiquén and Coelemu
Bío Bío Región: Quilleco
La Araucanía Región: Ercilla and Renaico
Advancing to Transition:
Tarapacá Region: Iquique and Alto Hospicio
Antofagasta Region: Antofagasta
Atacama Region: Copiapó and Diego de Almagro
Bío Bío Región: Laja
Región de La Araucanía: Pucón
Los Lagos Region: Castro, Puyehue, Río Negro, Puerto Varas, Quellón, Dalcahue, Fresia, Puerto Montt, Osorno, San Pablo, Quinchao, Quemchi, San Juan de la Costa, Ancud, Puerto Octay and Curaco de Vélez.
Advancing to Preparation:
Valparaíso Región: Petorca
O’Higgins Region: Olivar, Santa Cruz, Nancagua, Rancagua, Coltauco and Coinco
Maule Region: Rauco
Region of La Araucanía: Curacautín
Los Lagos Región: Futaleufú
Aysén Región: Aysén
Magallanes Region: Porvenir
The communities that are unmentioned in the list above will maintain their current phase until further notice.