Over 200,000 public health workers to benefit from Chile’s life insurance


Ross Brown/The Santiago Times Staff

SANTIAGO – About 235,000 public health officials, both from hospitals and primary care, will benefit from life insurance, which includes a capital of 7.2 million pesos for each worker, the Chilean Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.

It will be retroactive, from the start of the pandemic in the country, and will be in effect until December 31, 2020.

“This insurance, free for public health workers, is part of our commitments to them. We know that people who are directly caring for patients face additional risks, we have had to mourn the death of six health workers. For this reason, we value and appreciate the work carried out by the Chilean Insurers Association for the benefit of our workers,” said Health Minister Jaime Mañalich.

The representatives of the health unions, who were present at the meeting, both in person and remotely via zoom, evaluated the measure, for providing tools that benefit their safety.

“We value the work done by the Ministry of Health and the Chilean Insurers Association. This life insurance, at any event, reflects what the health officials thought of us, who are exposed to contagion every day, but also assuming that we have prepared for this, “said José Luis Espinoza, president of the Federation National Association of Nurses and Nurses of Chile.

Chile’s tally of infections stands at 113,628, with 1,275 deaths. More than 86,000 people have also recovered from the disease.