Chile opens public consultation period for two marine parks

SANTIAGO – Chile’s Sub-secretariat of Fisheries and Aquaculture (Subpesca) is carrying out a public consultation on the general management plans designed for the Nazcas-Desventuradas and Francisco Coloane marine parks, located in the regions of Valparaíso and southern Magallanes, respectively.

The documents are available to all interested parties on the websites of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service (Sernapesca) and Subpesca. In both portals, those interested will find forms to make observations to the management plans.

The Nazca-Desventuradas marine park in Valparaiso seeks to protect species such as deep sharks, in addition to macro algae and coral forests associated with underwater mountains, among others.

Another of its objectives is the protection of blue whale migration zones, feeding zones and migratory routes for swordfish, and growth zones for jack mackerel.

Meanwhile, Francisco Coloane Park in the extreme south region of Magallanes, seeks to preserve the feeding area of the humpback whale, the conservation of breeding areas and the protection of other species.

Those interested may submit their observations regarding the management plans of the marine parks until Sunday, February 2.–MercoPress