SANTIAGO – For the first time and in an official manner, the “National Day without Auto” was commemorated this week in Chile.
In June this year, the Comptroller General of Chile had issued the decree that established that the last Friday of September be held in the country a day that aims to promote the use of other means of transport, raise awareness about energy savings and promote a harmonic road coexistence among Chileans.
And to commemorate this day, the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications (MTT), together with the Metropolitan Intendency and Carabineros, announced the closure of Agustinas Street for the movement of vehicles, between Morandé and Ahumada. The interruption of the transit was carried out between 07:00 am and 15:00 hours on Friday, as a way to give the capitalists a space of leisure and transit that invites to use other forms of mobility.
¿Bus ??
¿Barcaza ??
¿Taxi ??
En Chile tenemos 10 modos de transporte público. Úsalos, especialmente hoy en el #DíaNacionalSinAuto ? pic.twitter.com/uTfXcSBHoS
— Ministerio de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones (@MTTChile) September 28, 2018
“We want to give a respite to our cities, encouraging the use of public transport, cycling, walking or other modes, since our displacements have a direct impact on pollution levels. Thus, through initiatives like this one, we seek to promote and generate awareness about the fact that in the city there are also motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, “said Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt.
En el #DiaNacionalSinAuto Ministra Pauline Kantor (@kantor_pauline) llega en bicicleta ?
a actividad junto al @MTTChile para fomentar el uso de medios de transportes no contaminantes. ¡Así ganamos todos! + ejercicio – congestión y cuidado al medio ambiente ? #ChileSeMueve! pic.twitter.com/kk2SGOdlS3
— Ministerio del Deporte (@MindepChile) September 28, 2018
Different organizations of the civil society, as well as Metro, EFE and Conaset, showed through stands some initiatives destined to foment the use of the public transport and the road safety. Also, diverse communities of entrepreneurs were present in mobility issues, bicycle workshops and the Choose Healthy Living program.
[HOY]?Gobernadora @klopezr se hace parte del #DiaNacionalSinAuto ?? y participo temprano en la mañana de la ciclitada junto a @Carabdechile llegar de esta manera al trabajo el día de hoy #ChileLoHacemosTodos ?? pic.twitter.com/X9uOvYhA8f
— Gobernación Antof. (@GobAntofagasta) September 28, 2018
The Metropolitan region concentrates 39.3% of the country’s automobile fleet, with more than two million vehicles and it is estimated that more than one million bicycle trips are made every day. The second region with the most automotive fleet is the Biobio Region, with 550,000 vehicles, and in third place, Valparaíso, with 530,000.
The Metro de Santiago has announced that until Sunday, October 7, the new service of bicycle parking in the underground train will be free for users.
Línea Cero has 128 parking lots available at five stations on Line 6: Cerrillos (20), Franklin (21), Bío-Bío (19), Pedro Aguirre Cerda (18) and Inés de Suarez (50).
Si te gustan las cletas, esta noticia es para ti. Hasta el 7 de octubre, #LíneaCero será gratis para todos con motivo del #DíaNacionalSinAuto. Descarga la app e infórmate sobre este proyecto en https://t.co/fbHx2ZH1aQ pic.twitter.com/YLBa3mw9gf
— Metro de Santiago (@metrodesantiago) September 30, 2018
To use the service, users must download the MOVATIC application, register and enable the geo-localization system of the phone, as the application requires it to identify the lease area and recommend nearby parking.