SANTIAGO – As of next Thursday, Latam will normalize its operations after the end of the legal strike of the cabin crew of LAN Express.
“From this date, the company will offer its complete itineraries to/from all its destinations in Chile, South America and the rest of its international network,” the company said in a statement.
However, they highlighted that an adjusted itinerary will be maintained for domestic and Latin American flights until Wednesday. “Passengers who have modifications to their flights until this date should keep their itinerary modified,” it added.
However, Latam recommended passengers to check their flight status in the My Trips section of their website and regretted the inconveniences caused by the stoppage that began on April 10.
After the end of the mobilization the Union of Crewmen of Cabin of Lan Express filed a lawsuit against Latam. “We are already with an interposed lawsuit, so that it is the court that protects us as workers and that seeks a solution so that the remunerations of all of us are paid accordingly, from the 25th day that was the end of this legal strike”, assured Silka Seitz president of the workers’ organization.