SANTIAGO – Latin America’s largest carrier said Wednesday it cancelled an additional 441 flights after a flight attendants union rejected a contract offer from the Chile-based airline, bringing the number of grounded passengers to 200,000 since the strike began last week.
LATAM Airlines said a total of 1,575 flights operated by Chilean subsidiary LAN Express had been canceled through April 25 as the airline continues to negotiate with the union.
The company said a total of 1,575 flights operated by LAN Express – the Chilean subsidiary of LATAM Airlines- have been cancelled through April 25 as LAN continues to negotiate with the 1000 member Cabin Crew Union. The two groups had initially come to an agreement, but the union later changed its mind and decided to keep the boycott going.
LATAM union continues strike despite reaching initial deal with Chilean airlines
The weeklong strike has primarily affected flights within Chile, the airlines said, though it has also affected regional connections throughout South America.
Long-distance flights outside the region have not been affected, LATAM said.
LATAM was created in 2012 through a merger of Chile’s LAN and Brazil’s TAM. The company is headquartered in Santiago and operates in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru.