SANTIAGO – National Geographic is recommending its readers to view outdoor urban art “galleries” by visiting Santiago.
The Chilean capital has made to the list of Traveler magazine’s “Places you need to visit in 2018.” Santiago joins 20 other premiere travel destinations from around the world.
NatGeo asks “Why go now?” and the answer is to see the outdoor urban art galleries that are in the different corners of the city.
“Bare walls are blank canvases for vibrant murals in Chile’s capital and largest city. Walk with Stgo Street Art Tours to see Chilean-style, street art in neighborhoods such as Bellavista, Brasil, and Yungay,” the description said.
The post also includes a “fun fact” about the Museo a Cielo Abierto (open-air mural museum), in the municipality of San Miguel.
Thus, Santiago shares ranking with Oaxaca in Mexico, Harar in Ethiopia or Madagascar, among varied destinations around the world.
Lonely Planet names Chile world’s top travel destination for 2018
“The number-one question we get from our 9.6 million readers is, ‘Where should I go next?’ Our Best of the World list responds to that question with 21 timely destinations that make for a year of transformative travels,” said George Stone, National Geographic Traveler editor in chief.
The list is curated by the magazine’s global staff.
Santiago accounts of half of Chile’s Travel & Tourism activity (48.9%), a total US$3.9bn, as it is an important hub for domestic and international flights, according to a new report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), Latin America City Travel & Tourism Impact.