LA PAZ – Bolivia’s Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Welfare has paid tribute to the 50th anniversary of the presence of Ernesto Che Guevara in the South American nation, with the launch of the three “Octubre” magazine latest issues.
The publication focuses on the guerrilla experience by the revolutionary leader from 1966 to 1967 and offers journalistic articles, analysis, testimonies, letters, photographs on Che’s struggle and death, and the presence of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the Andean Amazonian country during that period.
“Che is remembered above all for his revolutionary example, courage and determination to give his life for the Revolution, without seeking any benefit of his own,” Labor Minister, Hector Hinojosa, said at the auditorium of the Central Bank of Bolivia.
He also recalled that Che always advocated for the unity of the people and the government to build socialism and pave the way for new relations of production.
He particularly referred to the need to create a new man, who first thinks about the national, collective and social interest, above the sectoral and individual motivations leading to selfishness.