BEIJING – The Chinese version of Chilean writer Patricia Politzer’s book ‘Michelle Bachelet en Tierra de Hombres’ was recently launched at the Chilean Embassy in Beijing.
The book is about the life and career of the current and first female president of Chile, President Michelle Bachelet.
The Chilean Ambassador to China, Jorge Heine, who hosted the event, said the book will introduce the key contemporary development of Chile and the important role that the South American nation plays in the world during the presidency of Michelle Bachelet to Chinese readers.
The book was translated into Chinese by a group of researchers at the Institute of Latin American Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and published by the China Social Science Press (CSSP). CSSP also covered the publishing costs.
Zhao Jianying, the director of CSSP, who was also present at the event, said he hoped the book would boost more cultural interaction and understanding between the two nations.