By Ross Brown / The Santiago Times Staff
SANTIAGO — Chile’s President Michelle Bachelet has designated José Miguel Capdevila as Ambassador of Chile in the Philippines, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs Heraldo Muñoz.
Mr. Capdevila holds a degree in social sciences and humanities from the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina, and graduated from the Andrés Bello Diplomatic Academy of Chile.
Outside of the country, he has held positions at the Chilean Consulate in Belgrade (former Yugoslavia), the Chilean embassies in Venezuela, Argentina, Peru and the Chilean Mission to International Organizations based in Geneva. He was also Consul General in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina.
In the Chancellery, he has held positions in the Directorate of International and Human Security; The South American Bureau; The North American Bureau; The Directorate of Special Policy and the Directorate of Ceremonial and Protocol.