BUENOS AIRES — The bus driver involved in last week’s fatal accident that left 19 people – including two Chileans – dead has been sent to the Penitenciaria de Mendoza, Argentina.
Francisco Sanhueza Sanhueza, the driver of the Turbus coach that capsized shortly before arriving at Paso Los Libertadores, was transferred to the prison to comply with the precautionary measure, the Homicide Prosecutor of Mendoza has confirmed.
Further investigation is still underway.
Sanhueza was taken from the 11th Luján de Cuyo Police Station to the Homicide prosecution unit, from where he was late on shifted to the Mendoza Penitentiary amid extreme security measures.
The Saturday’s accident had occurred on the international road linking Mendoza with Santiago. According to a survivor who was not identified and the second driver, Pedro Vargas, the coach had been travelling too fast, despite the concerns of passengers.