Trump shocks the world, will be the 45th President of the United States

Republican Donald Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States on Wednesday in a shocking defeat of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, AP and The Guardian reported.

Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump and conceded the race to the Republican, CNN reported.

Addressing a crowd at a victory party, Trump said, “Hillary Clinton fought very hard… We owe her a major debt of gratitude to our country.”

“It’s what we call a historic event. But to be historic, we have to do a great job,” he said.

“I will be a president for all Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who didn’t support me… I am reaching out to you for your help so we can unify our great country.”

“Ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hardworking Americans… While the campaign is over, the work on this movement is only just beginning.”

“It’s a movement comprised of Americans of all backgrounds religions and races,” he said.

“We will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us… Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.”

“While we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone.”

Trump took to the stage with his wife, Melania and his youngest son, Barron.

He thanked his wife and his children, Don, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany and Barron. “I love you and I thank you. And especially for putting up with all of those hours. This was tough.”

“I love this country. Thank you.”

Trump’s vice-presidential running mate, Mike Pence who spoke before Trump termed it “a historic night.”

“The American people have spoken, and the American people have elected their new champion. America has elected a new president,” Pence said.

Donald Trump upended US politics with a campaign of venom, audacity and history, and has become the oldest man at age 70 to be elected into the White House.

The billionaire businessman has inherited an anxious nation, angry and distrustful of leaders in Washington.

He will preside over an economy that is improving but still leaving many behind, and a military less extended abroad than eight years ago, but grappling with new terror threats.

Hillary Clinton declined to speak at Clinton HQ late at night as Trump gained an unassailable lead. Clinton’s campaign chair urged supporters to go home. “We will speak to you tomorrow,” he said.

Tough contest

The 2016 race was the most bruising in modern memory.

In a presidential campaign that focused more on the character of the candidates than on policy, Clinton, 69, a former US secretary of state, and Trump, 70, accused each other of being fundamentally unfit to lead the country.

Obama’s election eight years ago as the nation’s first black president had raised hopes of uniting Americans, but the current contest has only highlighted the country’s divisions ─ and the fact that voters are not necessarily happy with their options.

Exit polls by ABC News and NBC News found that both Clinton and Trump were seen as untrustworthy by majorities of voters, while most found Trump’s temperament unpresidential.

World markets appear uncertain on the back of the election, as Trump’s surprise victory has rattled the dollar and slammed stock markets into reverse in wild Asian trading.

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