Labor Day: Piñera pledges universal nursery, work-at-home jobs

SANTIAGO – President Sebastián Piñera celebrated May Day in an event held at a worker’s hospital in Santiago, where he announced four measures that he hopes to apply in his government in labor matters: universal nursery, prioritize early education, implementation of the Inclusion Law and improvements to the training system.

“Work has a triple dimension, it is the way we make our living, to feel useful, it is the most important engine for the development of countries. Work for this government is a central priority,” said the Conservative leader at the Hospital del Trabajado while talking about the challenges this government has in terms of education, pensions and employment.

The 68-year-old, who stressed full employment, shared that “our mission is to transform Chile developed, with dignity for all, and for that it is better to unite than to divide.”

“There is no better labor policy than full employment. When there is full employment, wages rise, working conditions improve, employers are more concerned about the quality of life of their workers and nobody lives with fear of losing their jobs,” said the president.

“One of the things that gave me the most satisfaction was creating 1 million jobs and 60% for women,” he added.

He again pointed out the government’s intention to create a universal right to the nursery and prioritize early education for children between 2 and 4 years.

“Commitment to the universal nursery, that makes work compatible with the family, we must reach a universal nursery for all the children of Chile.

“We are going to advance in the universal right of school education,” he announced.

Chile: Santiago’s Labor Day rally marred by clashes and arrests

In addition, Piñera proposed a labor status for young people, so that university students can combine studies with work. He also expressed the idea of promoting work from home.

“We are going to promote teleworking, with modernity it can be done from home using technologies.

“Half of the jobs that are in Chile can disappear in the coming years because the modern world destroys and also creates jobs.”

He also shared his plans “to improve the pensions of the most vulnerable workers”.