Chile confirms Communist Party as National Political Organization

SANTIAGO – Chile’s Communist Party has gained support from important figures, and has been formally confirmed as a national organization with more than 50,000 members so far, according to weekly newspaper El Siglo.

The Partido Comunista de Chile already exceeded by far the minimum number of members demanded by the Electoral Service (SERVEL), with a view to the elections in November.

El Siglo also said that this way, the communists would be able to present a presidential candidate and propose candidates to senators, deputies and regional counselors for the elections this year.

“It is a political victory of great importance for the communists and establishes a link with broad sectors of the Chilean people,” the publication remarked.

In a previous communique, the Central Committee of the Chilean PC urged to continue with the task, included in the offensive by the organization to exceed by a comfortable margin the legal figure established by the law, ‘and to become a strong political force in the national spectrum.’

The minimum figure demanded by SERVEL was 18,500 members, which has been far exceeded.

“This is a proof of the people’s trust in our party,” said Guillermo Teiller, President of the organization and Parliamentarian.